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Keuangan Mikro Islam Upaya Dalam Pengentasan Masalah Sosial
The Effects of Islamic Microfinancing on the Sustainable Livelihood of the Borrowers; Uses of Multiple Logistic Regression Model in Bangladesh
‘Cash Waqf’ and Islamic Microfinance Untapped Economic Opportunities
A Study on Islamic Microfinance Could It Be a Panacea to Alleviate Poverty Rate in Kelantan
An Application of Islamic Banking Principle to Microfinance
Experiments in Islamic Microfinance
Innovations in Islamic Microfinance; Lessons from Muslim Aid's Sri Lankan Experiment
Integrating Zakat and Islamic Charities with Microfinance Initiative in the Purpose of Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia
Islamic Microfinance – A Superior Microfinance Model Often In a Wrong Track
Islamic Microfinance – An Inclusive Approach with Special Reference to Pakistan
Islamic Microfinance Outreach and Sustainability
Islamic Microfinance; a Case Study of Australia
Microfinancing in Islamic Bank; a Practice Approach
Monetary Waqf for Microfinance; a Poverty Alleviation Alternative for Tunisia
Pemberdayaan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Untuk Pembangunan Ekonomi Pedesaan
Pemberdayaan Umkm Melalui Pembiayaan Dengan Prinsip Bagi Hasil Oleh Lembaga Keuangan Syariah
Pemulihan Keuangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah (Bmt) Paska Bencana Alam Di Kabupaten Klaten
The Effectiveness of Microcredit Programs and Prospect of Imfis in Muslim Countries; a Case Study in Bangladesh

Financing Microenterprises an Analytical Study of Islamic Microfinance Institutions

Islamic microfinance and socially responsible investments
Value through Diversity; Microfinance, Islamic Finance and Global Banking

Islamic Microfinance in Indonesia the Challenge of Institutional Diversity Regulation and Supervision
Islamic Microfinance; a Missing Component in Islamic Banking
Waqf - Based Microfinance; Realizing the Social Role of Islamic Finance

A Further Niche Market; Islamic Microfinance in the Middle East and North Africa
Intorduction to Islamic Microfinance
Islamic Microfinance Development - Challenges and Initiative
Islamic Microfinance; an Emerging Market Niche
Islamic-Microfinance Theory, Policy and Practice
The Accountability of Islamic Microfinance Institution; an Evidence from Indonesia

Can Microfinance Reduce Economic Insecurity and Poverty by How Much and How
Framework for an Effective Islamic Micro Finance in Northern Nigeria
Islamic Microfinance, Providing Credit to the Poor; a Case Study of Iran
Microfinance and Islamic Finance; Can They Be Reconciled and How Can They Benefit One Another

Determinants of Economic Performance of Micro-Credit Clients and Prospects for Islamic Microfinance in Malaysia
Integrating Islamic Banking, Zakat and Waqf with Islamic Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation
Islamic Micro-Finance Programme and Its Impact on Rural Poverty Alleviation

Building a Successful Business Model for Islamic Microfinance
In Search Of Sustainable Conventional and Islamic Microfinance Model for MEs
Islamic Microfinance Initiatives to Enhance SME in Indonesia from Historical Overview to Contemporary Situation
Penguatan Kinerja Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Untuk Pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah

Analisis Peran Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Terhadap Permberdayaan Usaha Mikro Kecil di Kabupaten Jayapura (Studi Kasus Bpr Nusa Intim Cabang Sentani)
Critical Analysis of Diverse Funding of Islamic Microfinance Institution - a Case Study in BMT Amanah Ummah Surabaya Indonesia
Financing Microenterprises; Creating a Potential Value-Based Hybrid Model for Islamic Microfinance
Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah Dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Makasar
Microfinance and Prospect for Islamic Microfinance Products; the Case of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
The Prospect of Islamic Microfinance Institution in Indonesia

Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah (Lkms) Pedesaan (Studi Kasus Bmt Al Hasanah Sekampung)
Challenges Faced By the Model of Islamic Microfinance for the Development of Micro Entrepreneurs and SMEs in Rural Pakistan
Designing Islamic Microfinance Products for Islamic Banks in Malaysia
Determinants of the Establishment of Islamic Micro Finance Institutions; the Case of Bmt in Indonesia
Finding a Way to Enhance Impact of Islamic Microfinance; the Role of Spiritual and Religious Enhancement Programmes
Islamic Microfinance as an Alternative for Poverty Alleviation; a Survey
Islamic Microfinance Products and the Welfare of Muslim Community in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya
Islamic vs Conventional Microfinance Institutions; Performance Analysis in Mena Countries
Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Indonesia
Microfinance Model for Micro Enterprises to Support Sustainable Rural Development
Peran Keuangan Lembaga Mikro Syariah untuk Usaha Mikro di Wonogiri
Risk, Religion, and Islamic Microfinance
Sustainability of Islamic Micro Finance Institutions
The Concept and Fundamentals of Islamic Microfinance and Prospect for Its Introduction in Iran
The Relationship between Human Resource Management and Islamic Microfinance Providers' Performance; the Mediating Role of Human Capital
True Economy Prosperity through Poverty Alleviation – Islamic Microfinance as Commercial Venture
Why Is Growth of Islamic Microfinance Lower Than Its Conventional Counterparts in Indonesia
Zakat And Microfinance

A Review on Microfinancing; Conventional and Islamic Financing
An Enquiry into the Contributions of Microfinance Institutions towards the Development of Small Scale Business in Nigeria
Bentley Microfinance Review; (Poverty Alleviation and Islamic Microfinance)
Business Development Services Provided by Islamic Microfinance Institutions and Customer Satisfaction the Mediation Role of Perceived Benefits
Challenges Sharia Microfinance Institutions; Evidence from Indonesia
Efficiency Analysis of Conventional Vs. Islamic Microfinance; an Appraisal for Sustainability in Pakistan
Islamic Development Bank’s Microfinance Support Programme and the Growth of Small Scale Enterprises in Nigeria
Islamic Microfinance- A Conceptual Framework
Islamic Microfinance in Kyrgyztan and Tajikistan
Islamic Microfinance in Yemen, Egypt and Indonesia
Micro Finance to Islamic Micro Finance; Akhuwat Model
Prospects of Islamic Microfinance Institutions in Scale Micro Business Funding Support for Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
Role of Government Support to Micro Financing in Islamic Bank for Clean Water Connection to Low-Income Communities
Role of Islamic Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan; an Empirical Approach
Socio-Economic Effects of Microfinance on Agricultural Sector; An Analysis of Farmer’s Standard of Life in Multan
SWOT Analysis of Contemporary Microfinance Impact Assessment Approaches
The Current Practice of Islamic Microfinance Institutions Accounting Information System via the Implementation of Mobile Banking
The Perception of Micro-Entrepreneurs and Petty Traders on Conventional and Islamic Microfinance; a Case Study of Pakistan
The Social and Financial Performance of Conventional and Imfis in Pakistan
Zakah as an Islamic Micro-Financing Mechanism to Productive Zakah Recipients

Developing Programs Based on Maqasid Sharia by Islamic Microfinance Institution to Support Financial Inclusion
Domination of Murabaha Financing of Islamic Microfinance in Developed and Underdeveloped Areas in Bogor Regency
Future and Challenges of Islamic Microfinance in Alleviating Poverty and Improving the Performance of Microenterprises Evidence of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)
Integrating Zakah, Awqaf and IMF for Poverty Alleviation; Three Models of Islamıc Micro Finance
Islamic Microfinance Industry in Yemen Challenges and Opportunities
Islamic Microfinance Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction; A Survey of Microfinance Clients in Nairobi Country
Islamic Microfinance; an Interest Free Microfinance Model for Poverty Alleviation
Islamic Microfinance; Moving Beyond Financial Inclusion
Market Opportunity And Regulation Microfinance In Indonesia
Microfinance and Disasters; Islamic Microfinance A New Paradigm to Serve the Unserved
Microfinance and Family Ties; Challenge to Reduce the Loan Default in Urban Area in Thailand
Role of Microfinance and Microfinance Institutions Models in Improving Quality of Life- A Critical Review
Role of Microfinance Institutions in Women Empowerment; a Case Study of Akhuwat, Pakistan
Sustainability of Islamic Microfinance Institutions through Community Development
The Impact of Access to Islamic Microfinance Institutions (Islamic MFI) on Poverty Alleviation in Rural Bogor West Java; A Propensity Score Matching Approach
The Role of Islamic Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation; Lessons from Bangladesh Experience

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